Influence of Screen Time on Teenagers According to Kara Alaimo’s article about cutback on screen time, a defect in cognitive development and the screen time have a positive correlation. Alaimo argues that the more teenagers or babies spend their time on smartphones, especially on social media, then the more they will be mentally and intellectually deficient. Alaimo also points […]

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The Corrupting Influences of College Sports In his essay, John Macintosh mentions the admission process for hyper-athletes in the most prestigious schools is corrupted due to many factors and reasons. Macintosh writes that the most prestigious colleges in America such as Yale has a corrupted admission process when it comes to athletes. For athletes, they only need there athletic skills […]

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Prescription Drug Prices The author, Jo Ann Jenkins states the prices of American prescription pills have surged dramatically in recent years, and points out that the companies in drug industry are gaining massive unwarrantable income. She also suggests that the current drug policy such as Medicare do not help Congress to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies. Jenkins awakens […]

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The Wall – Analysis

1. Bowden persuades the readers that the idea of building a wall along the border between American and Mexico is wrong. He argues that the wall is inhibiting the freedom of people, which the core value of America. Bowden also reveals how absurd the building the wall is by telling the immigration rate has increased […]

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Women’s Brains Analysis

Gould opposes the widespread belief about the inferiority of woman. According to Gould, women were intellectually inferior to men because they had smaller and lighter brains than that of men’s.  However, Gould doubts the validity of the data from those scientific research and suggests a possibility that people should remove their prejudice toward women: women […]

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Cowboys: Fantasy vs. Reality

Ehrlich attempts to inform the readers that the real cowboys are much different than the widely accepted notion of cowboys. Influenced by popular culture, people have wrong concept or knowledge of cowboys. Ehrlich wants the reader to recognize the cowboys’s tender heart and their diligence. She uses juxtaposition to underline the difference between the widely […]

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