Women’s Brains Analysis

  1. Gould opposes the widespread belief about the inferiority of woman. According to Gould, women were intellectually inferior to men because they had smaller and lighter brains than that of men’s.  However, Gould doubts the validity of the data from those scientific research and suggests a possibility that people should remove their prejudice toward women: women are intellectually inferior to men.
  2. “Broca based his contention on the samples from L’Homme Mort alone– only seven male and six female skulls in all. Never have so little data yielded such far-ranging conclusions.”, “Since so many of Broca’s subjects were very elderly women, we may assume that lengthy degenerative disease was more common among them than among the men.”
    Gould appeals to logos to persuade the readers that the validity of Broca’s scientific research is questionable. Gould logically points out the mistakes of Broca’s data, proves that Broca’s conclusion was wrong and suggests that those data should be reconsidered.
  3. I agree with Gould that women’s brain are not inferior to that of men. I’ve seen so many women that are smarter and more intelligent than me. Furthermore, I do not think that God made men and women unequal. Women are historically oppressed to do any intellectual activities, so they did not have any chance to show their intellectual abilities. Therefore those prejudice could exist back then. However, nowadays, the participation of women in social activities has increased dramatically, and lots of women are using their intelligence to show their full potential, same as men. Let’s have an example of Hillary Clinton. Although Trump had more electoral college vote, Clinton had more popular vote. They both have some vote measures that are superior to one another. Therefore, women are not inferior to man.

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