The Wall – Analysis

1. Bowden persuades the readers that the idea of building a wall along the border between American and Mexico is wrong. He argues that the wall is inhibiting the freedom of people, which the core value of America. Bowden also reveals how absurd the building the wall is by telling the immigration rate has increased since the wall construction and how Mexican people are suffering from the blockade of the border.

2. Bowden appeals to pathos by pointing out Americans “forget the intricate lives of the people we wall in and out.” Bowden points out people who originally lived in America for more than 30 years cannot go back from Mexico to America due to the wall, although he went back to Mexico to take care of his sick mom. Boward also introduces many instances where many families were segragated due to the wall. People do not want to be separated from ones who they love. Even though they had to cross the border due to their loved ones, they cannot go back since the wall has been constructed. Boward here effectively draws sympathy from the reader by appealing to the emotion of affection.

3. I personally do not have any economical or political opinions about the wall, but I do agree that America is being hypocritical. The United States of America was established and developed by a group of immigrants from Europe and the descendants of the immigrants. Therefore, America is immigrant-based society. However, the fact that America is trying to expel out the immigrants seems they are just being hypocritical.

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