Prescription Drug Prices

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The author, Jo Ann Jenkins states the prices of American prescription pills have surged dramatically in recent years, and points out that the companies in drug industry are gaining massive unwarrantable income. She also suggests that the current drug policy such as Medicare do not help Congress to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies. Jenkins awakens the readers that people should be aware of the excessive prices of prescribed drugs and urges Congress should take steps to limit the power of those companies.

Jenkins uses several literary devices, but the most notable one is her use of logos; her use of statistics reveals that the drug prices has increased dramatically recently. Jenkins states that the annual retail prices for top 100 medications have “more than tripled in cost since 2006”. She also says “a medicine that cost $100 in 2006 now costs more than $300; a $400 medicine is now more than $1200.” The surge in price made average people hard to afford the bizarre prices of drugs. This data shows that the price of drugs has increased excessively so that average person is hard to afford it. Furthermore, Jenkins states that Medicare, “which covers, pharmacy costs, has an out-of-pocket limit of $5100”.  It alarms the readers that even government policies cannot protect citizens from high prices, especially old Americans because they have limit for their funding.

I agree with Jenkins that the drug prices are excessively high. America’s GDP had not tripled since 2006, but the fact that the prices had tripled means that the increase in price of drugs are out-of-bound of how much the price is supposed to surge. Last year, I went to a drugstore with my host dad to see if there’s any pills that I can have in case of me being sick. I found out that the price of drugs are much more expensive than the drugs in Korea. If companies needed that much of money, then why didn’t they sell their medicine at $1200 in 2006? Why they tripled their prices? I still think the amount of increase is excessive enough that most people think it would be absurd.

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